QHow is athletic equipment certified to NOCSAE standards?
NOCSAE Executive Director, Mike Oliver: The NOCSAE standards require independent formal certification of any athletic equipment which claims to meet a NOCSAE standard. In keeping with our three-part mission, NOCSAE is focused on scientific research to advance sports safety, the development of standards for athletic equipment, and the dissemination of information related to athletic equipment and sports injuries. NOCSAE establishes performance and test standards, but NOCSAE does not test, certify or approve athletic equipment. NOCSAE has selected the Safety Equipment Institute (SEI) to certify compliance with NOCSAE standards.
QCan you explain SEI’s role and the certification process?
Oliver: Since 2015, NOCSAE has required third-party certification of compliance with our standards. This process enhances the integrity of all NOCSAE standards, giving athletes confidence that their athletic equipment has been tested by a neutral, independent body. NOCSAE is the only ANSI-accredited standards developer to require independent third-party certification for athletic equipment.
SEI is a subsidiary of ASTM International and an independent ANSI/ISO 17065 accredited certifying body that administers third-party certification programs.
SEI certification procedures for NOCSAE standards include product testing through several specially accredited, independent laboratories. SEI also conducts quality assurance and quality control audits at each NOCSAE licensee’s production facilities, here and around the world to ensure continued compliance.
QHow do I know if athletic equipment has been certified by SEI?
Oliver: All athletic equipment that has been certified since 2015 to the NOCSAE standard by SEI will have an updated logo— see the example below. Since there are some counterfeit products on the market, we also recommend that coaches, equipment managers, parents and athletes confirm certification on SEI’s website. They have a quick and easy-to-use directory that lists all equipment certified to NOCSAE standards for different sports.