Epidemiology of Commotio Cordis: Maintenance of the National Registry.

Principle Investigator: Barry J. Maron, M.D., Director, Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Center

Institution:Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation

Title: Epidemiology of Commotio cardis: Maintenance of the National Registry

What is known regarding the epidemiology and clinical features of commotio cordis predominantly emanate from the National Registry assembled in Minneapolis under the supervision of Dr. Barry J. Maron at Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation. The Commotio Cordis Registry began with the first 25 cases reported in 1995 in the New England Journal of Medicine (Maron BJ, et al. 1995; 333:337-342) and for much of the time since has been generously supported by NOCSAE. furthermore, the series of animal experiments conducted at Tufts-New England Medical Center by Dr. Mark Link have relied in their design substantially on the clinical profile of commotio cordis developed from the Registry. It is important to continue the assembly of commotio cordis cases and to maintain the Registry, as the clinical spectrum of this unusual but heterogeneous clinical entity is not yet completely understood or described. This is particularly important as we focus on strategies for prevention over the next 3-4 years. Much of what is learned and reported from this cohort of victims will be translated to that effort to abolish this risk of the athletic field in young athletes.