In Development

Youth Football Helmet Standard ND006 Now in Final Status

For more than a decade, NOCSAE had been researching science and data to support a separate standard for a youth football helmet. Previously there was insufficient data to suggest youth-specific criteria for such a standard. However, in January of 2020, the NOCSAE Standards Committee voted to formally begin the development process for a youth helmet performance standard. The vote was the culmination of input from the NOCSAE Scientific Advisory Committee and findings from two recent youth football research studies funded by NOCSAE.

Kids in red jerseys playing football

NOCSAE worked to ensure that any steps to enhance protection for youth players are grounded in science and do not create other unintended risks. The process examined these key considerations:

• Unique risk exposures of youth players

• A lower mass helmet to help youth players manage the weight of their heads during an impact or fall.

• Feasibility

The youth helmet football standard is a priority for NOCSAE and currently in Final status. Read an overview of the ND006 standard.