To maintain the original certification,
which means proof of compliance to a
NOCSAE standard, helmets and
faceguards must be reconditioned and
recertified according to manufacturer
instructions. NOCSAE is the only standards
organization that provides a standard for
equipment recertification.
What is recertification?
Previously certified athletic equipment is retested to ensure the equipment continues to meet the original requirements of the NOCSAE standard. The process includes updated labeling.
What happens when a helmet no longer meets the standard?
The helmet must not be used. In some cases, the no-longer-certified helmet can be recertified. For example, you have a re-certifiable helmet that must be re-certified every other year. But the helmet is now three years old. It was not used the last year for any number of reasons. You want to recertify the helmet and use it this year. So long as the helmet is presented to a licensed recertification entity and the helmet is not more than ten years from the date of initial certification, it is eligible for recertification. Note: The 10-year “useful life” rule is set by NAERA. However, other than age, there are often other reasons helmets submitted to a reconditioner cannot be recertified.