Standards committee MEETINGS


NOCSAE’s Board of Directors welcomes and encourages all interested parties to attend our Standards Committee meetings. All Standards Committee meetings are open to the public to ensure we receive data and input from anyone interested in the standards being discussed and considered, and to promote transparency.

What to Expect

Meetings are held twice each year, in the winter and summer. The NOCSAE Standards Committee will discuss Modifications to athletic equipment safety standards and take action on recommended Revisions to standards. The chair of NOCSAE’s Scientific Advisory Committee as well as the Technical Director present reports.

Related Information

Summer Meeting

July 25, 2025 — Kansas City

Winter Meeting

February 13, 2026 — Litchfield Park, AZ

Advance Comments

For the upcoming meeting, if you have questions or comments related to agenda items, we request that you submit these in advance to Executive Director Mike Oliver. This helps us keep the meetings on schedule.

NOCSAE encourages all interested parties to submit comments, suggestions, objections or other responses to any standard under consideration or on any other standards maintained by NOCSAE, even those that are not on the agenda for a particular meeting.

About the Standards Committee

The NOCSAE Standards Committee is composed of NOCSAE’s board of directors, research director, and technical director. It is the ANSI-recognized consensus body which represents all interests that may be materially affected by NOCSAE standards.

Balance of Interests

National organizations select members to represent their interests on the Standards Committee. These interests fall into three American National Standards Institute (ANSI) categories. In order to maintain balance among the interests represented and to prevent control of the committee by any group or interest, some organizations have one seat and some have two.


We believe athletes sustain fewer injuries when these practices are followed:

  • manufacturers pursue certification for new equipment, which includes establishing effective QC/QA programs;
  • sport governing bodies mandate use of equipment that meets NOCSAE standards;
  • consumers send their headgear to NOCSAE-licensed recertifiers for reconditioning and recertification;
    • all laboratories that perform NOCSAE testing participate in ongoing round-robin system verification.

    Quick Read: Committee Actions

    Modifications to a Standard

    Modifications to standards documents are editorial changes and do not need committee approval. Their purpose is usually for clarification.

    Revisions to a Standard

    Revisions to standards documents require action by the Standards Committee. Revisions are changes to standards that alter a critical test or performance parameter.

    Effective Dates

    Primarily the purpose of effective dates is to specify when a licensee’s products must be in compliance with a revised version of a standard.

    NOCSAE Document Naming

    Each NOCSAE document (ND) has a unique document number (NDXXX). For example document number ND001-17m23 was last revised in 2017…